Our Anaesthetists


Dr David Hays


MBBS University of Melbourne 1984
FANZCA Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists 1993
ASA Australian Society of Anaesthetists 1988

Joined Albert Street Anaesthetic Group 1995, Chairman since 2010

Dr David Hays graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1984. His undergraduate years were spent at the Austin Hospital. Training in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care commenced in 1988 and he became a fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists in 1993. Further training in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care was obtained in the United Kingdom in 1993 at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. During this year time was spent in Tanzania working with the World Health Organisation training local individuals in the field of Anaesthesia. On his return from the United Kingdom Dr Hays spent a year working at the Preston and Northcote Community Hospital (PANCH) in 1994, before joining the Albert Street Anaesthetic Group in 1995.

Over the years Dr David Hays has had appointments at the Austin Hospital, Repatriation Hospital, Royal Women’s Hospital, Box Hill Hospital, Sandringham Hospital and Williamstown Hospital. He is accredited at numerous Private health care facilities including Epworth Health, Cabrini Health and Ramsay Health Care. He has been on numerous Operating and Theatre committees including the Mercy Private Hospital, Vimy House Private Hospital and Hartwell Private Hospital. Presently he is chairman of the Albert Street Anaesthetic Group and coordinates regular Quality Assurance Meetings for the group.

He has interests in Orthopaedic surgery, Craniofacialmaxillary surgery, Day case surgery and Endoscopy. Dr Hays has many interests in the field of anaesthesia but of particular note are his interests in Continuing Professional Development, Regional Anaesthesia and the Improvement of Post-operative Pain control and Nausea and Vomiting.